Leading & Managing Teams
- The role of the leader
- Exploring our current state and identifying opportunities
Understanding Teams
- How do teams add value
- How we asses and measure their performance
- Considerations for virtual / remote teams
Creating Effective Teams
- Establishing capability
- Understanding your teams character
Developing Team Capability
- The dynamics of teams and team behaviour
- Playing to team strengths and developing capability
- Creating accountability
The Impact of Leadership
- Flexing styles to develop capability
- Establishing agreed ways of working
- Building trust and freedoms
Developing & Maintaining Team Energy and Motivation
- Identifying contributors & inhibitors for team success
- Practical teambuilding – focusing on what the team can control
Managing Individual Performance
- Can & Will vs Can’t and Won’t
- Comparing accountability with skill and motivation
Managing Your Performance!
- What are you going to keep / improve / stop / start?