Introduction to 8D
- The process from customer complaint to lessons learnt
- How the enabling quality tools are essential throughout
- Cost of poor quality & improving quality
- Building in quality rather than inspecting it out
- Different CI / problem solving methods
- Importance of SME’s and E = Q x A
- D0 Emergency Response & Prepare for 8D
- Simple process flow
- How do we become aware of the problem?
- Emergency response, the need for containment
D1 Form the Team
- Process flow diagram
- Team roles & stakeholder management
- RACI &GRIP – Importance of communication
D2 Define the Problem
- Process flow diagram & analysing the data
- Fact based, importance of going to Gemba
- Developing a problem statement
- Understanding value stream & who could be affected
- Setting SMART goals
- Introduction to Is / Is not analysis
D3 Develop Containment Actions
- Is the ERA good enough or do we know more now
- Have we truly mitigated the risk (FMEA)
- Do we have good data (MSA)
D4 Identify & Verify Root Cause
- Need to establish true root cause: 3 stage analysis
- Importance of data collection planning
- Verifying the root cause
D5 Identifying Corrective Actions
- Mistake proofing
- Picking the right solution (payoff matrix & criteria)
D6 Implement Corrective Actions
- Importance of stakeholder buy in
- The need for trials
- Control mechanisms, ensuring a good handover
D7 Define & Plan Preventative Actions
- What failed to allow the problem to occur
- How can we benefit from lessons learned
- What documents need to be reviewed or revised
D8 Recognise the Team
- Reflection on how the team & process worked
- Importance of recognising our successes